CHRIST’S Biblical Rule over Culture & Persons

Three presuppositions of the Biblical belief system are that they are neither arbitrary, nor inconsistent.  Also, that it contains preconditions.   The Biblical system of truth includes the truth that the whole of reality and its parts are equally essential.  Biblical law includes laws for rule by cultural institutions, and laws for rule by individuals.  Christians are the yoked partners in CHRIST’S Biblical rule.  (When Biblical law has been rejected, dictatorships and chaos are the short-term consequence.) 

The One and the Many The three persons of the TRINITY are equally ultimate and absolute.  The work of one of the persons is appropriated by the other two.   The Biblical belief system is the completed Biblical Word of GOD for the decreed Covenantal purpose for GOD’S works in all of time.  The whole system and its parts  function as an organized system which has been condensed in a symbolized representation using the acronym, T.H.E.O.S.    

The Acronym, T.H.E.O.S. The T. (TRINITY) and H. (Hierarchy/salvation) have long been acknowledged as the correct interpretation of these Biblical doctrines.   The support for the remaining  letters (the E., the O. and the S.) are currently received with less confidence than is given to the T. and the H. of the acronym. The T. of the acronym denotes the TRINITY’S  three persons.     The H. (Hierarchy) denotes salvation and is symbolized by using the acronym, T.U.L.I.P.   The E. denotes Ethics and symbolizes the ten spheres of rule.   The 10 Commandments and the LORD’S Prayer are correlated as the ten spheres of rule:  three spheres of rule represents the three persons of the TRINITY.  The next three spheres of rule are delegated limited power to rule to the institutions of the  church, court and state.  The last four spheres of rule are: individuals spheres of rule by the family, business, education, and charity.   The O. denotes  oaths and symbolizes the laws in the  Bill of Rights (judicial rule and penalties.)  The fifth letter, the S. represents the post-millennial direction of history and the success (the victory of CHRIST’S Kingdom rule. )   The kingdoms of this world move in the direction of the progressive growth of Biblical law as the dominant rule.  GOD’S Covenantal purpose is completed on Judgment Day.  It was decreed from Eternity and continues forever.      

Christians Grow in the Faith War is waged by the enemies to CHRIST’S rule.  War is also waged among Christians on the correct interpretation and application of the Biblical system of belief.  Learning the Biblical system of belief requires initiative and reinforcement.  The following initiative to learn the doctrinal system effectively can be achieved by:  printing copies of the doctrines; choosing an illustration to represent the doctrine; taping the pages on to two large cardboard posters;  finding something that will support the posters and posting it on the support at eye-level so they can be seen from one’s bed as the first and last thing each day.  This encourages growing in the Faith on a daily basis.  Also, routine talk on the Faith is useful and adding applications of the law is important.   Ps. 149.9 “ruling over their rulers with a rod of iron, this honor have all HIS saints.”  This requires knowledge of the laws of the Bible.  Individuals must answer for their reliance on the Biblical origin of what is known, and which occupies their thoughts and acts.  Christians are rewarded at the end their temporal life-span for they enter into the joy of the LORD “as good and faithful servants.” CHRIST’S Biblical rule in the kingdoms of this world advances as they are brought into conformity with GOD’S Biblical Word for the works of history.  Christians need to understand issues of honest currency, the citizens’ Sate of their birth as the basis of citizenship, county jurisdiction, serving on juries, end deficit spending, and abuses of the Bill of Rights.      

The War That Is Fought for the Minds of Men Earlier generations made advances in doctrinal understanding of what are correct Biblical doctrines (also, how they apply in historical contexts.)  By 70A.D., GOD’S Biblical Word was completed and CHRIST’S Kingdom had been inaugurated.   The temple and its rituals had been superseded with CHRIST’S ascension and the SPIRIT had been sent to empower the redeemed.  The Biblical promise is that CHRIST returns on Judgment Day.  By 1990, the Biblical system was concisely stated using the acronym (T.H.E.O.S.)   GOD smites evil persons with judgments so that terror comes on them.