The definitive victory of CHRIST’S Biblical rule was decreed from Eternal time as the purpose for GOD’S works.

The progressive prevailing of the City that comes down from above was inaugurated at CHRIST’S ascension. The kingdoms of this world are becoming the Kingdom of the LORD and HIS CHRIST. Rev 11.15

CHRIST’S Rule from heaven is finally completed on Judgment day. CHRIST hands the rule of the Kingdom to the FATHER and the redeemed receive a gloried body and life thru time everlasting.

Judgment Day The household of GOD is to exercise rule over their rulers, Ps. 149.9. Their failure to dos so is largely due to their indolence in knowing and acting on the Bible’s Word for all thought and life.

Those who are friends of the world are identified as enemies to GOD. They harbor hatred for the certain victories declared in the Bible. In Psalm 2, certain judgment is imminent for GOD’S enemies. In John 3.20, those who hate the light will not come to it lest their deeds be made known.

 SUCCESS - The Success of Biblical Rule