20th Century Advances in the Biblical Worldview

There is a need to recognize the implications of the advances made in the Biblical worldview during the 20th century. Examples are:

1. The Biblical Inspired Word of GOD: It is inerrant and infallible; it is empowered, and kept reliable by the SPIRIT. In the 1920s, this was articulated by theologians such as Charles Hodge.

2. Defense of the Biblical Worldview: Biblical inspiration of GOD is necessarily pre-assumed as truth (-not man’s reasoning.) In the 1930s, this was articulated by Cornelius Van Til.

3. Biblical Law for All Spheres: Christians’ have duties in the many spheres of life to defend and extend Biblical obedience. In the 1970s, this was articulated by R. Rushdoony.

4. Post-millennial Direction of History: The success of the Biblical rule over the kingdoms of this world occurs from 29AD to Judgment Day. In the 1900s, this was articulated by theo-logians such as Ken Gentry.

5. Covenant Acronym, T.H.E.O.S.: These five classifications of the entirety of the Biblical system of belief, it is useful for the efficient way to convey the worldview. In the 1980’s, this was articulated by R. Sutton and G. North.

6. CHRIST’S Kingdom Rule: It began in 29AD, it progressively increases as the dominant rule over the kingdoms of this world to Judgment Day when it is finally completed. It has no end.

7. A Creedal statement on the victory in the on-going war for the control of the whole world is needed as encouragement to

8. Christians’ to persevere in their efforts to extend the kingdom. ww.spheresofrule.com