1st The themes discussed at this meeting during the first five minutes is one that has been chosen beforehand and that relates to an issue pertinent to the system of belief. The choice regarding issues for discussion are ones that reflect the current Biblical interests of the members.

2nd The themes discussed at this meeting are decided by each member of the group. The individual member chooses what aspect of the system he needs to memorize in order to be able to defend it when he is asked to do it. The members are encouraged to keep a written record: one column recording their progress on memorizing the specific theme; a second column on succeeding to write it from memory at a group meeting, and third column to record that it was used in a conversation with someone on the topic.

3rd The themes discussed at this meeting are specific cultural applications of the Biblical system of belief. One of the pertinent cultural issues is honest money. A few of the main principles are: 1st Standard weight and measures are required; 2nd  Banks are restricted by law from making any multiple loans on the equity represented the loan of money; 3rd  No laws may be made that restrict the competition on the occupation of making coins; 4th No compulsory laws, or exercising of coercion, by government may be made that requires the public to accept any specific form of money as legal tender.