Those who have understood the surety that accompanies their adoption into the household of GOD (Ps 23) – appreciate their status as the servant friend of GOD’S Covenantal purpose for the works in historic and time-everlasting. The kingdoms of this world are becoming the Kingdom of the LORD and HIS CHRIST. (Rev. 11.15) From CHRIST’S ascension judgment has come upon those who have been enemies to CHRIST’S rule. (Malachi 4.6)

False interpretations of the Biblical Word on the direction of history is blaspheming the Biblical system of belief. An example of this is A. Cain’s book and the video on the site, Alive After the This is the pre-millennial view of the dispensation of the rapture of the saints the destruction of 80% of Israel and 90% the USA (mystery Babylon.)

The correct interpretation does not instill fear & retreat in Christians. It spurs them to work for the advancing of Biblical law in all areas. It will progressively prevail as the dominant rule over the kingdoms of this world from CHRIST’S ascension to Judgment Day and has no end.


  O.T.: Fall, Flood Jacob, Moses, David 

         1900 B.C.   1400 B.C.   1000 B.C.

Christ Ascended -Kingdom rule increases to Judgment Day 

 N.T.: TRINITY, Hierarchy,  Ethics, Oaths,  Success 

           451 A.D.   1610 A.D.    1776 A.D.        1985 A.D.