Memory Aids

1. TRINITY:  Equal GODHOOD nature, Radical discontinuity, Covenantal purpose for works, Economic appropriation of work of the 2 others

The TRINITY’S Covenantal works are foe- ordained & definitive; they prevail pro-gressively on the earth, & are finally completed on Judgment Day

CREATOR, work of Creation and Creatures, Covenant, and Culture

TRINITY, Theology, Theocracy Theonomy, Theodicy

2. Salvation: T.U.L.l.P. Total depravity; Unmerited grace; Limited atonement; irresistible grace, perseverance Stages: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification

3. Spheres of RuleFATHER, SON, SPIRIT; Church, Court, State; Family, Business, Education & Charity

4. Bill of Rights: Religion, speech, press assembly & petition, ownership of guns, privacy of home and papers, grand jury, criminal jury, civil jury, reserved rights to people, and retained rights by States and people


5. Success of the Covenant: GOD’S Covenantal rule was definitively fore- ordained, so that the kingdoms of on the earth, become as the Kingdom of the LORD and HIS CHRIST in heaven by Judgment Day, and it continues thru time everlasting -The Covenantal acronym: T.H.E.O.S. - T. TRINITY, H. Hierarchy, E. Ethics, O. Oaths, S. Success

Cultural Documents 

1774 Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights,

1798 TRINITY decision of Sup. Ct. that US is a Christian nation

1791 Constitution -as a Christian, republic form of rule & restrictions

(The States were sovereign and the violations of the Constitution were to be indicted by the people and the States as the 4th Branch.)


Constitutional Violations


Art. 1.8 Federal Reserve System, I. (fiat currency 1913, Income Tax Constitutional inconsistent Amendments: (16th on Income Tax, 17th  on Senators’ election)

2.2 State of Emergency (Martial law, Presidential power)

1.8 Declaration of National Bankruptcy (RFS trustees as owners)

2.2 Uniform Commercial Code (1938 Admiralty & contract law)

2.2 United Nations Organization (1947 Treaty Agenda 21, 1991)

1.8 International Monetary Fund (fiat currency)

2.2 Patriot Act (Homeland Security (2012 World Trade Center)