The Biblical System of Belief Using the Acronym, T.H.E.O.S.The Biblical System of Belief Using the Acronym, T.H.E.O.S.

T. TRINITY The three persons (FATHER & SON & SPIRIT) equally have GODHOOD nature. The works of one of the persons is appropriated by the other two. In Eternity the TRINITY decreed the Covenantal purpose of that the kingdoms of this world should become the Kingdom of the LORD and HIS CHRIST and that it should have no end. This purpose has been revealed as the SPIRIT has spoken thru the prophets in the completed Biblical Word of GOD. The two natures of CHRIST exist side-by-side, and without change, confusion, separation, or division.

H. Hierarchy  The Son and The SPIRIT are the source of salvation of those who have been redeemed. All power and authority was given to Jesus CHRIST. Persons are regenerated persons thru CHRIST’S empowering and have become indwelt with the SPIRIT. The three stages of salvation are: justification, sanctification and glorification. The timeframe is definitive, progressive, and final completion. (The acronym is T.U.L.I.P. –T. for total depravity, U. for unmerited grace, L. for limited atonement, I. for irresistible gift, and P. for perseverance of redemption

E. Ethics Spheres of Rule: The 10 Commandments and the LORD’S Prayer are correlated with ten spheres of rule. The first three spheres are The TRINITY’S Kingdom, Power, and Glory; the next three are for Institutional rule of church, court, and state; the last four are for Individual rule by family, business, education, and charity. CHRIST’S rule prevails on the earth progressively from His ascension to Judgment Day when it is completed. It continues thru time everlasting.

O. Oaths The Bill of Rights (reserved and retained) 1. Religion, speech, press, assembly, petition; 2. Keep arms; 3. Troops not invade home; 4. Privacy of papers; 5. Grand Jury trial; 6. Criminal Trial; 7. Civil Jury trial; 8. No unjust or unreasonable bail & fines; 9. Retained rights by the people; 10. Reserved powers by States and people. Christian, republican Constitutional law for federal government.

S. Success in the prevailing of CHRIST’S rule on the earth in the kingdoms of this world. The certain successful completion of GOD’S Covenantal purpose for the works in history and time-everlasting. The Post-millennial direction of history has been advocated since the Nicene Creed in 326 A.D. but has not been settled on by the predominant percentage of all denominations at this time.

The Biblical System of Belief Using the Acronym, T.H.E.O.S.