Wake Up to the World Around You

3. Choice of leader of discussions/decisions for discussion topics

4. 1st half hour discuss Bible topic: each one is assigned a topic, writes notes/leads discussion on it

5. 2nd half hour discuss culture-issues: each choice of topic/leads discussion

6. Leader sets next Biblical topic/sets a memory goal. Ask to choose next cultural issue.

Three Proposed Half-hour Group Bible Studies

Suggested daily, after the evening meal

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The FATHER, SON, SPIRIT are the three persons equally having GODHOOD  nature.  The SON has two natures unmixed in the one Person.  The works of one of the Persons is appropriated by the other two Persons.  The three Persons are referred as GOD, and as TRINITY.  CHRIST'S GODHOOD manhood nature & Jesus the manhood nature.

Eternal Covenant

Derived from Eternity - The TRINITY decreed the purpose for the works that are definitively decides in Eternal Time, progressively completed thru historic time, and finally completed on Judgement Day. The Kingdom of GOD and HIS CHRIST has no end.

War to the Death

Christ's Kingdom Rule over the kingdom's of this world is a war to the death for the control of the whole earth.

  •  5/14/2023 09:07 AM

A Suggested Oath of Office: We, the people of the United States, declare that Jesus CHRIST is King of kings and Lord of lords. We the people of this republic declare that no law can be passed that violates the Constitution. This is proposed by Pastor Joe Morecraft.

  •  9/28/2018 04:32 PM

CHRIST'S Forgiveness Is Greater Than One's Guilt

The Significance of Adopting the Biblical Belief System

Presuppositional Defense of the Biblically Revealed Word of GOD

The Futility of Man's Claim to Independence as the Origin of Truth

The Communion of GOD and Man/the Contentment of Walking with CHRIST

Advances in Articulating the Biblical Belief System

The Biblical References for the Covenantal Acronym, T.H.E.O.S.

The Creed and the Biblical Belief System

Post millennial View on the Completion of the Biblical Covenant

Resources Used for the Completion of GOD'S Purpose for HIS Works in History.

Ways to Grow in The Faith

The Redeemed Assemble as They Search for Biblical Truth

One's Ethnic Status / One's Root for Ethics Identity / One's National Identity

Christian Basis of Constitution

The Fourth Branch of the Federal Government

Citizens Ruling over Rulers

The Sheriff's Jurisdictional Authority

Grand Jury Indictment at the County Level

Criminal and Civil Jurors Judge the Law

Establish Local Precinct Website

The 17th Amendment and the Republican Form of Government

Unconstitutional Courts, and Laws

Impact of International Law on Constitutional Law

Federal Reserve, Incorporated and the International Monetary Fund

It is essential to learn the Biblical truths...to handle them with integrity, and to apply them correctly to all areas of thought, life, and reality. Group discussions are effective means for helping individuals to grow in The Faith.

Blogging is today's version for adult group learning! Having access to information thru using the phone/tablet/laptop makes group discussions more effective since each member has access to the Biblical presentation, and to verification data at their fingertips. This impacts the efficiency of group learning.

Website represents the conservative interpretation of the Biblical World/life view.  Authors that  write on these are:  Augustine on the TRINITY, Calvin on Salvation, Rushdoony on the validity of the law, Gentry on the post millennial direction of history, and Van Til on the correct defense of the validity of Biblical Truth.